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My luck might have changed

By some odd reversal of fortune, I was able to snag a reservation for a limited edition pair of Nike Women’s Marathon shoes in Tiffany blue.

I’m not usually this lucky. But I’m heading into San Francisco on a Thursday this year to avoid Friday/Saturday lines at the expo. And I knew I’d be there during the day, so I decided to try. What the hell, right?

I was surprised the system not only worked, but worked fast. I had an initial reservation. Then a confirmation within three minutes.


Holy cow.

I’ve never had a pair of shoes that pretty before.

There’s a raging debate on the Nike Women’s Marathon Facebook page going on about these shoes now. I kind of feel bad for the folks who control the Nike page, they are constantly subjected to people criticizing every decision. Plus, the women kind of attack each other. It’s a little ridiculous.

I’m just excited that I’m able to get a pair of these amazing shoes. I’m fortunate.

In reality, I’m fortunate to even get into this race two year’s in a row. The Tiffany necklace? An added bonus. The shoes? An even bigger bonus. I’m giddy with anticipation. (And those who know me know I don’t get giddy too often.) Even better, I may be more excited about the Nike Women’s Half Marathon than my “A” race this weekend in San Jose.

(By the way, I’m not selling these babies, so don’t ask. I only say that because someone has already asked me. I’m going to wear them with a great amount of excitement and pride.)

A mileage milestone

A couple days ago, I did something today without even realizing it. I hadn’t been counting my miles too much, outside of my mileage per month, so I didn’t know how close I was to surpassing my mileage from 2011.

Then, after my five-mile run this morning, I realized that I had accumulated 934 miles for the year.

In 2011, I ran 930.

Today, with my run I surpassed that with 934.

That means I’m only 76 miles away from 1,000, which was my ultimate goal for 2012. By the end of October, I should be well over that now if my marathon planning stays on track.

I was so excited, I posted it to Twitter, which also feeds to my Facebook account.

What does this mean? It means, despite my thinking otherwise, my training is on track. It means I’m running a lot more, despite not being in as many races. And, most importantly, it means I’m enjoying running enough more now that I want to do it all the time. All good things.

I’m looking forward to my upcoming half marathon this weekend in San Jose, that with a combination of midweek runs should get me to a nice number by the end of October.

Laces make the difference

I’ve had some reservations about my new LunarEclipse’s lately, specifically the color. I know that’s petty. After years of running in basically white shoes with a little bit of blue detail. They weren’t pretty, but they were functional.

When I was fitted for the new shoes, they had a special style of the pair called the Breathe.

And that was the only pair my local Fleet Feet had in size nine. So I caved and bought them.

When I realized how much lighter this pair was than my previous shoes, I started having second thoughts. But they were the same shoes, so I went with it. I’d run quite a few miles in them when I realized that they just weren’t as flashy as my last pair.

They look kind of orthopedic. Like something my grandfather used to wear. I know they are gray and have some fun yellow detail, but I just wasn’t in love.

So I grabbed the florescent pink laces from my previous pair, which I recently machine washed (post on that coming), and switched the laces out on the pairs.

Now my old pair, which I’ll wear for dirty outdoor type runs because I still think they have a little life left in them, look a little more subdued. And my new pair has a lot more flair about them. It’s a win-win for me.

And yes, it’s only about appearance. The shoes function the exact same way the first pair did, but I like that they are a little different now. It won’t make me a better runner, obviously. But I like the change. And I really love those pink laces.