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Posts tagged ‘Fit Approach’

Passing on the #sweatpink love


My running buddy’s daughter just got a new pair of shoes to get ready to go back to school in the late summer. She’s such a girly girl, always running around in pinks and purples. So I wasn’t surprised when her mom showed me her new shoes.

I just happened to be taking my running buddy a pair of Sweat Pink laces for her running shoes, part of my spreading of the #sweatpink love thanks to Fit Approach.

I didn’t even know the daughter had just purchased a new pair of pink-accented Nikes.


I handed a pair to the little girl. She was THRILLED to have pink shoelaces. She thought they were so much better than the white shoe laces who came with the shoes.

The laces were a little long, obviously since they are made for adult shoes. But she loved them in her new shoes. And she’s now ready to #sweatpink when she starts her new school year in mid August.

I #sweatpink! (Ramblings of a new Sweat Pink Ambassador)


I received some incredibly exciting news last week that I wanted to share immediately, but I figured pink-shoelaces would do the talking for me.

I’m now a Sweat Pink Ambassador!

For the longest time I followed the Fit Approach website hoping to apply to become one of the company’s brand ambassadors. I was handed a pair of pink shoe about a year ago at a Bay Area event. It’s what led me to the website initially.

Fit Approach has an amazing philosophy.

The company’s “mission statement” is very similar to See Jane Run’s approach to running for all women.

It is:

“We believe that kicking ass is best done in pretty shoes. We’ve learned that real women sweat, and sweat hard. We know that assertiveness, strength, and ambition are the ultimate feminine qualities. We concede that sometimes it takes hours to get ready, but we’re also no strangers to just rolling out of bed and going. We’re convinced that we run faster in pink shoelaces. We believe in pushing ourselves, and we believe in giving ourselves a break, too. We’re all about the rush of endorphins and the thrill of the challenge. We’re all for looking great and feeling even better. We’re committed to finding our best fit, and making it stick.”

That philosophy completely fits me!

So when Fit Approached opened up applications again on the website, I jumped on a chance to apply. I filled out the application during the long holiday weekend.

I found out last week that I had been chosen as a Sweat Pink Ambassador!

I received an email with a TON of information from the company, including how to sign up for a couple accounts to connect with Sweat Pink Ambassadors.

Today, I received the pink shoe laces I get to hand out to fellow runners to continue to spread the #sweatpink love! I also received my tank top.


I’m kind of in love! I’m going to take the bright orange laces out of my Nikes and add a pair of these pink laces pronto.

The best part is that I’m now connected to an amazing group of awesome women who share similar fitness goals. I’m being exposed to so many new blogs and philosophies.

I’m so excited that I decided to try on my new tank after my five-mile run (and shower) today.


They say black is slimming, which is good because I feel like I’m carrying a tire around my stomach from a summer of working at home (I’ll be relieved to go back to teaching in exactly one month.)

I’m so fortunate that in the past couple months running has allowed me all these new opportunities and connections. I’m looking forward to spreading the #sweatpink love along with my #seejanerun love at my upcoming racing events!